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 5. Bungee Jumping p.26

    Bungee jumping looks like fun. It makes me nervous just to watch someone do it. It certainly takes a lot of guts to jump one thousand feet above the water with only a rope tied to your legs. It scares me just to think about it. However, it is something I really want to do one day. Some people think I'm crazy. They say to jump is foolish enough, but to have to pay for it is madness. I don't agree. For me, to live a short and exciting life is far better than to live a long and boring one. What do you think?

    wild boar 野猪

    Paper originated in China. 起源于

    looks like   tastes like  后接名词

    watch someone do/doing   do强调事实   doing强调正在进行

    guts (口语) = courage     Bill does not have guts to ask Marry to go out for a date.

    be tied to = be bound(bind) to 被……绑在

    That poor dog is tied/bound to the fence, he can not run away.

    be scared of = be frightened of    Peter is scared of snakes.    He scared me to death.

    He looked into the mirror and found he looked much older.

    cockroach(es) 蟑螂

    get somewhere 有出息  get nowhere 没出息

    lunatic  n.adj疯子        luna 月亮(拉丁文)

    I agree with you on this point, but I disable agree with you on that point.

    agreeable 相处容易的:  I like Marry, because she's a very agreeable personality.
