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School & College (2)

    11) I'm being kept very busy with my required reading for Sosh this quarter.本学期有许多必须为上社会学而读的东西,我太忙了。

    * Sosh = Sociology quarter 是指一年四学期制的“学期”,大约持续三个月,即 trimester.

    12) Next week I must start my term paper for Poli Sci.到下周,我必须着手写政治学的期末论文了。

    * Poli Sci = political science

    13) I've arranged my class schedule so I'll have my afternoons free.我调整了我的课程表,以便下午腾出空来。

    14) Your history paper is due.你的历史课作业该缴了。

    15) The history paper was really easy, so was the biology one.历史试题确实容易,生物试题也很容易。

    16) My Biochem lectures are in the morning, and the labs are in the afternoon.生物化学的课安排在上午,实验在下午。

    * Biochem = biochemistry

    17) My thesis is due the same week as midterms.毕业论文截止的日期,和期中考试那一周重复。

    * be due 是“期限到”的意思。

    18) He may get a grant to study abroad next year.他明年也许会获得留学奖学金。

    19) For a few, scholarships were sources of support.有少数人,奖学金是他们接受教育的学费来源。

    20) The school awarded Merry a prize (for her good work)。

