
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



Playing (2)

    11) I wish you wouldn't joke around so much.我希望你不要开如此的玩笑。

    12) I must play my spare time well, or I end up doing nothing.我必须善于利用空闲的时间,否则生命将会在无所事事中告终。

    13) My favorite game when I was a child was making snow angels in the freshly fallen snow.我在孩提时代最喜欢玩的游戏,是在刚下的雪上堆雪天使。

    14) I wish I had more time to myself these days.但愿最近我会有更多的属于自己的时间。

    15) You have too much time on your hands. Why don't you start a hobby?


    16) Little children have the most fun playing make-believe.儿童很喜欢幻想的游戏。

    17) I enjoy my work too much, that it doesn't even seem like work.由于我太以工作为乐了,所以不觉得是在工作。

    18) They are so busy these days, that they don't even have time for their friends.他们最近忙得没法和朋友见面。

    19) I don't allow my children to play with toy guns.我不让自己的孩子玩玩具枪。

    20) Any personal hobbies such as sports, music and collecting stamps never had a place in his life.任何一种个人的业余爱好,如体育活动,音乐,集邮等等在他的生活中从未有过地位。
