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 Creation/Destruction (2)

    10) The poet creates pictures with words.诗人用语言创造万物。

    11) His confidence can be destroyed by a harsh word.他的信念,只要受到严厉的批评就会崩溃。

    12) From mutual understanding, a comfortable situation has been creation.由于彼此的了解,因而建立了愉快的关系。

    * create 除了“创造”以外,还有“give rise to, cause”的意思。

    13) Why are all those toys broken?


    * break 除此也用于折树枝、破坏房屋、乱了步骤、背弃合约,一定要与 destroy 区分开。

    e.g. He always breaks faith with his clients.他对顾客总是不守信用。

    14) A story can be created with these characters.从这些人物可以创造出一篇故事。

    15) The restaurant has built up a fine reputation for a good food.那家饭馆因(饭菜)美味可口而建立了良好的声誉。

    16) The locusts completely wiped out this year's crops.蝗虫使今年的庄稼全毁了。

    * destroy 也可以替代 wipe out.

    17) A forest fire has consumed all the trees here.一场森林大火将此地的树木焚烧殆尽了。

    * consume 有消耗、消灭、吃尽的意思,也有烧尽成灰的意味在。

    18) The ancient Roman civilization was finally destroyed by the nomadic tribles.古罗马终于被游牧民族灭亡了。
