
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


Nature (1)
    1) Oh no! It’s starting to rain.哦,糟了!开始下雨了!
    *“好像就要下雨了”是说做 It seems likely to rain. *“已经下了一段时间”说做 It’s raining.
    2) The thunder claps really scare the children.打雷(的声音)真的会吓坏小孩子的。
    *clap 用作动词时是拍手之意,名词则指“轰”的响声,thunder claps 是雷鸣。
    *scare 是“startle, frighten”之意,在这里是作 frighten 之意解。
    *Don’t be scared. 不必怕。这一句在日常生活中经常使用。
    3) Look! Lightening has struck the tree and it’s on fire.瞧!闪电划下来,引燃了树木。
    *促人注意时,正如同“Look! What you’ve done!”(瞧!你干的好事!)一般,常用“Look!”
    4) The water has risen over the riverbank.洪水溢过了防堤。
    *The river is rising. 则指河水涨高了。
    5) The flood has left many people homeless.许多人因洪水而失去了家园。
    6) These buildings are supposed to be earth quakeproof.这些建筑物是耐震建筑才对。
    *“……proof”是“耐~”的意思。fireproof building 是“耐火建筑”。
    7) One woman, in Peru, was saved from an earthquake by lying between two mattresses.秘鲁的一位妇女,躲在垫子之间从地震中死里逃生。
    *save from 是指从危险、灾难、毁誉等之中获救。
    8) Hawaiians are used to the rumblings of the volcano.夏威夷的人已经习惯于火山的爆发声了。
    9) In Arizona, the stars seem very bright.在亚利桑那州,星星看起来格外明亮。
