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Touch (2)
    10) John would like to touch some of the sculpture in the art gallery.约翰想触摸几件美术馆的雕刻。
    11) Many surfaces feel very different.表面的触感会因物体而大有不同。
    12) Suzanne likes the feel of the dough as she makes bread.苏珊娜喜欢制造面包时的生面团的那种感觉。
    13) On a cold day, a warm fireplace feels very nice.在天寒地冻的日子,温暖的炉火旁是很舒服的。
    14) In his work, Albert comes in touch with many beautiful objects.在工作上,阿尔博特会接触到许多美丽的事物。
    15) On a crowded train, one comes in contact with many people.在拥挤的火车里面,会和许多人接触。
    16) When he opened the door the cat ran out and brushed by his legs.当他一开门,那只猫跳了出来,偎依在他的脚边。
    17) The baby liked to feel the touch of her shiny, new toy.小宝宝喜欢新玩具闪闪发光的触感。
    18) The new leaves in springtime have a soft touch.春天的新芽有柔软的触感。
