
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情


Conversation A: In a Western Clothing Store
MARTIN: Hello, I'm Martin Learner. I phoned this morning. I want to speak to the manager.?
MANAGER: Good afternoon. I'm the manager.
MARTIN: I'm happy to meet you. I want to talk to you about your clothing store. I'm writing a story.?
MANAGER: You told me. Are you writing about the store??
MARTIN: I write about people. I want to write about the shoppers in your store.
MANAGER: Fine. What do you want to know??
MARTIN: What's your name??
MANAGER: I'm Penny Byrd.?
MARTIN: May I call you Penny??
MANAGER: Of course.?
MARTIN: Thanks. Do you sell men's clothing??
MANAGER: Yes. We sell women's and men's clothing. The men's clothing is over there.
MARTIN: What do you sell??
MANAGER: We sell only Western clothing.?
MARTIN: Western clothing. What does that mean??
MANAGER: The Western United States. People in the Western United States wear this clothing. Now many people like it.?
MARTIN: Do all people wear this clothing??
MANAGER: No. Only some people wear this clothing. It's casual clothing.?
MARTIN: Is it cowboy clothing??
MANAGER: Sometimes. Cowboys wear some of this clothing.?
MARTIN: OK. Now, let's look at some shoppers. Do you see that tall woman??
MANAGER: Yes, I know her. She shops here often. She likes Western clothing. She's tall and thin. She looks very nice in Western shirts and pants.
MARTIN: She doesn't look like a cowboy.?
MANAGER: No, she doesn't.?
MARTIN: Do you know the other woman??
MANAGER: Yes, that's her daughter.?
MARTIN: She's very pretty.?
MANAGER: She works in a jewelry store. She likes long dresses for work. Her legs are long. She's very tall. She's big. She likes Western clothing. Come see the men's clothing.?
MARTIN: This shirt is nice.?
MANAGER: Do you like these things? Do you wear Western clothing?
MARTIN: No. I'm not tall and thin.?
MANAGER: You're not short. And you're not fat.?
MARTIN: I'm average. I'm not tall and I'm not short. I'm not thin and I'm not fat.
MANAGER: You have nice hair.?
MARTIN: It's average. It's not dark and it's not light. It's average brown. I'm only average.?
Practice 1:依照会话A回答下列问题:?
1.Why does Martin come to the store??
2.What does Martin want to write in his story??
3.What does the manager sell??
4.Do only cowboys wear Western clothing??
5.What does she look like??
6.Where does she work??
会话A : 在一家西部服装店?
马  丁:你好。我是马丁·勒纳,我今早打过电话,我想和经理谈谈。?
经  理:下午好。我就是经理。?
马  丁:见到你很高兴。我想和你谈谈你的服装店,我在写一篇报导。?
经  理:你告诉过我。你要写我这个店吗??
马  丁:我写有关人的报导,我想写你们店里的顾客。?
经  理:好。你想知道些什么??
马  丁:你叫什么名??
经  理:我叫彭尼·伯德。?
马  丁:我可以叫你彭尼吗??
经  理:当然。?
马  丁:谢谢。你们卖男装吗??
经  理:卖。我们男女装都卖,男装在那边。?
马  丁:你们都卖什么??
经  理:我们只卖西部服装。?
马  丁:西部服装,什么意思??
经  理:美国西部,美国西部的人穿这种服装,现在很多人都喜欢这种服装。?
马  丁:所有人都穿这种服装吗??
经  理:不,只有一些人穿这种服装,这种服装很随便。?
马  丁:这是不是牛仔服装。?
经  理:有时候是。牛仔们穿一部分这类服装。?
马  丁:好了,现在咱们看一看顾客。你看见那位高个儿女子了吗??
经  理:看见了,我认识她,她常在这儿买东西。她喜欢西部服装,她又高又瘦她穿西部衬衫和裤子很好看。?
马  丁:她不像牛仔。?
经  理:不,她不像。?
马  丁:你认识另一个女的吗??
经  理:认识,那是她女儿。?
马  丁:她很漂亮。?
经  理:她在一家珠宝店工作,她喜欢穿长裙上班。她的腿修长,她个儿很高,她长得很大,她喜欢西部服装。过来看看男子服装。?
马  丁:这件衬衫很好看。?
经  理:你喜欢这些吗?你穿西部服装吗??
马  丁:不。我既不高也不瘦。?
经  理:你个儿不矮。再有,你也不胖。?
马  丁:我算中等儿。我不高,也不矮。我不瘦,也不胖。?
经  理:你头发长得好看。?
马  丁:中等儿。既不深也不浅,中等儿棕色,我只是中等儿。?
Conversation B?
MANAGER: Do you like this shirt?
MARTIN: Yes, I do. I like blue.?
MANAGER: You have blue eyes.?
MARTIN: They're not blue. They're gray.?
MANAGER: They look blue. Are your arms long??
MARTIN: They're not very long. They're not short. Let's talk about other people.
MANAGER: Of course.?
MARTIN: Do you see that woman in the green dress??
MANAGER: Yes, she often shops here.?
MARTIN: She's not very tall. And she's not fat.?
MANAGER: She looks very nice.?
Practice 3:依照会话B回答下列问题:?
1.How does the manager try to persuade Martin to buy the shirt??
2.Does the woman in the green dress often shop in this store??
经  理:你喜欢这件衬衫吗??
马  丁:我喜欢。我喜欢蓝色。?
经  理:你长着蓝眼睛。?
马  丁:不是蓝的,是灰的。?
经  理:看起来是蓝的。你胳膊长吗??
马  丁:不很长,也不短。咱们谈谈其他人吧。?
经  理:当然可以。?
马  丁:你看见那个穿绿裙子的妇女了吗??
经  理:看见了,她常在这儿买东西。?
马  丁:她个儿不很高。还有,她也不胖。?
经  理:她很好看。
