
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



Conversation B?

ATTENDANT: What are you going to eat??

KARL: Nothing.?

ATTENDANT: Would you like more coffee??

KARL: Yes, please.?

ATTENDANT: What are you going to eat??

MARTIN: Nothing, thank you.?

ATTENDANT: Would you like more coffee??

MARTIN: No, thank you. Do you like coaching??

KARL: Yes, I do.?

MARTIN: Were you a runner??

KARL: Yes, I was. I ran in school. I was in the Olympics.?

MARTIN: That's interesting.?

MARTIN: Where does your family like to travel??

KARL: My wife likes cities. She likes New York and Washington D C. My children like the country. They like rivers and mountains.?

MARTIN: You have rivers and mountains in Colorado.?

KARL: Oh, yes. But my children like the rivers and mountains in Idaho.?MARTIN: My family lives in the East. They like to travel in the West.?

KARL: Does your family like to travel by plane??

MARTIN: Yes, they do. They don't travel very often.?

KARL: Do they like to travel by train??

MARTIN: Yes, they do. They like to travel by car, too.?

KARL: Do you travel by bus??

MARTIN: No, I don't. I live in Baltimore. I work in Washington D C.

MARTIN: The train is very good there.?

KARL: We don't have a train.?

MARTIN: Do you have a bus??

KARL: No, we don't. We travel by car. My daughter likes to travel by horse.?MARTIN: That's very nice in the country.?

KARL: It's very slow.?

MARTIN: My daughter likes animals.?

KARL: Does she like horses??

MARTIN: Yes, she does. We don't have a horse.?

KARL: We have four horses.?

KARL: Where does you wife like to travel??

MARTIN: She likes to visit her family.?

KARL: Where does her family live??

MARTIN: Her mother lives in Indianapolis. Her father lives in Florida.?

KARL: Does she have aunts and uncles??


KARL: Where do they live??

MARTIN: New York, Boston, Los Angeles.?

KARL: Do you visit them??

MARTIN: Yes, we do. My wife likes to visit family.?

KARL: How do you travel to Los Angeles??

MARTIN: We travel by plane.?

KARL: How do you travel to New York.?

MARTIN: We take the train. It's very fast.?

KARL: That's nice. How do you travel to Indianapolis??

MARTIN: We travel by car. We like to have the car with us.?

ATTENDANT: May I get you something??

KARL: May I have more coffee, please??

ATTENDANT: Of course, May I get you something??

MARTIN: No, thank you.?

KARL: I'm going to San Antonio for a track meet.?

MARTIN: Do you have runners in the track meet??

KARL: Yes, I do.?

MARTIN: How many runners do you have in the meet??

KARL: Only three. They run very well.?

MARTIN: How do they travel??

KARL: They travel by plane.?

MARTIN: Are they here??

KARL: No, they aren't. They're going to travel on Tuesday. You're going to write about football players. Do you write about runners?

MARTIN: I can write about runners. I write about sports often. I'm going to write about swimming.?

KARL: I'm going to travel to the East.?

MARTIN: Where are you going??

KARL: First, I'm going to New Jersey.?

MARTIN: Come to Baltimore.?

KARL: Thanks.?

会话 B?


卡  尔:什么也不要。?


卡  尔:是的。?


马  丁:不要了,谢谢。?


马  丁:不要了,谢谢。你喜欢教练工作吗??

卡  尔:是的。?

马  丁:你当过赛跑运动员吗??

卡  尔:当过,我在读书时跑过,我参加过奥林匹克运动会。?

马  丁:很有趣。?

马  丁:你家人喜欢到哪儿旅行??

卡  尔:我妻子喜欢城市,她喜欢纽约和华盛顿特区。我的孩子们喜欢乡下。他们喜欢山脉和河流。?

马  丁:科罗拉多有许多河流和山脉。?

卡  尔:哦,是的,但我的孩子们喜欢爱德华洲的河流和山脉。?

马  丁:我家住在东部,他们喜欢在西部旅行。?

卡  尔:你的家人喜欢坐飞机旅行吗??

马  丁:喜欢,他们不常旅行。?

卡  尔:他们喜欢乘火车旅行吗??

马  丁:是的,他们也喜欢开车旅行。?

卡  尔:你乘公共汽车旅行吗??

马  丁:不,我住在巴尔的摩,我在华盛顿特区工作,那儿的火车很方便。?

卡  尔:我们那儿没有火车。?

马  丁:你们那儿有公共汽车吗??

卡  尔:没有,我们开车旅行。我女儿喜欢骑马旅行。?

马  丁:那在乡下很好。?

卡  尔:太慢了。?

马  丁:我女儿喜欢动物。?

卡  尔:她喜欢马吗??

马  丁:喜欢,我们没有马。?

卡  尔:我们有四匹马。?

卡  尔:你妻子喜欢去哪儿旅行??

马  丁:她喜欢看望她家人。?

卡  尔:她家人住在哪儿??

马  丁:她母亲住在印第安那波利斯,她父亲住在佛罗里达。?

卡  尔:她有姑姑和叔叔吗??

马  丁:有。?

卡  尔:他们住在哪儿??

马  丁:纽约、波士顿、洛杉矶。?

卡  尔:你去看望他们吗??

马  丁:是的,我妻子喜欢走亲访友。?

卡  尔:你们怎么去洛杉矶??

马  丁:我们坐飞机去。?

卡  尔:你们怎么去纽约??

马  丁:我们坐火车去,火车很快。?

卡  尔:很好,你们怎么去印第安那波利斯??

马  丁:我们开车去,我们喜欢开车去。?


卡  尔:再来些咖啡好吗??


马  丁:不要了,谢谢。?

卡  尔:我去对安东尼参加田径运动会。?

马  丁:有你的赛跑运动员参加田径运动会吗??

卡  尔:有。?

马  丁:有多少赛跑运动员参加运动会??

卡  尔:只有3名,他们跑得很好。?

马  丁:他们怎么去??

卡  尔:他们坐飞机去参赛。?

马  丁:他们在这儿吗??

卡  尔:不在,他们星期二出发。你要写有关足球运动员的报导,你写有关赛跑运动员的报导吗??

马  丁:我能写有关赛跑运动员的报导,我经常写有关体育的报导,我将写有关游泳的报导。

卡  尔:我将去东部旅行。?

马  丁:你去什么地方??

卡  尔:首先要去新泽西。?

马  丁:欢迎你到巴尔的摩来。?

卡  尔:谢谢。

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

attendant   n. 服务员?

fasten   v. 扎牢?

seat belt  n. 安全带?

be ready for  v. 为……做好准备?

take off v.  take off n. 起飞?

cowboy   n. 牛仔?

nervous   adj. 紧张不安的?

coach   n. 教练  v. 训练;辅导?

track   n. 田径运动?

camp   n. 野营;集训营?

the Olympics   n. 奥运会?

Proper Nouns 专有名词?

San Antonio   圣安东尼市?

Germany    德国?

Colorado   科罗拉多州?

Washington D C   华盛顿特区?

Idaho   爱达荷州?

Indianapolis   印安那波利斯?

Florida   佛罗里达州?

New Jersey   新泽西州?

Language Points 语言要点?

本课中出现的由介词 by 构成的表示旅行方式的短语归纳如下:?

by car  乘小汽车   by bus  乘公共汽车?

by train  乘火车    by horse  骑马?

by plane  乘飞机?


on foot  步行      by sea  乘船?

by air  乘飞机     by ship  乘船

Cultural Notes  文化注释

在美国乘飞机旅行非常方便,价格也比其它任何地方便宜。美国的州际及国际航空公司有几百家,全都是私营,各航空公司之间的竞争很激烈。据国际民航组织1986年统计,美国有3200架民航飞机,占世界总数的五分之一,占世界总航行里程的46.7%,占世界总旅客人数的64.7%.世界上10个最繁忙的机场中,美国占了8个。其顺序排列为:Chicago-O'Hare International(1), Atlanta(2), Los Angeles(3), Dallas-Fort Worth(4), New York-Kennedy International(6), Newark, New Jersey(7), Denver(8)和 San Francisco International(10)。?

在波士顿(Boston)、纽约(New York)和华盛顿(Washington)间的航班,不须预订,不须办理行李手续,甚至不须买票,可直接在飞机上买票,每小时都有航班。?
