
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



Conversation B?

JEFF: Here is the new building.?

MARTIN: What's that??

JEFF: It's the sports club.?

MARTIN: Who are they??

JEFF: They're painters. They're painting the sports club.?

MARTIN: What's that??

JEFF: It's the cinema. Here is the shoe store.?

MARTIN: Who are they??

JEFF: They're the carpenters. They're making shelves. They're workers. They're making a road.?

MARTIN: What's that??

JEFF: It's a garage. Here is the entrance.?

MARTIN: Who are they??

JEFF: They're the gardeners. They're making the gardens.?

MARTIN: What's that??

JEFF: It's the garage. It's the exit.?

MARTIN: Good morning.?

WELDER: Good morning.?

MARTIN: What are you doing??

WELDER: We're welders. We're building a new building.?

MARTIN: What's that??

WELDER: It's a door. We're making two large doors. Here's a window.?MARTIN: That's interesting.?

WELDER: We're making twelve large windows.?

MARTIN: Thanks.?

JEFF: Come see the old building.?


MARTIN: Tell me about the shopping mall. I'm going to record.?

JEFF: There's a clothing store. There's a jewelry store. There's a pet shop. There's a hardware store. There's a music store.

Practice 2:“there”指离讲话人较远的事物的位置,There is a……那儿有一个……Examples:  JEFF: There's a clothing store.

There's a jewelry store.?

There's a pet shop.

There's a hardware store.?

There's a music store.?


杰  夫:这是新楼。?

马  丁:那是什么??

杰  夫:那是运动俱乐部。?

马  丁:那些人是谁??

杰  夫:他们是油漆工,在给俱乐部刷油漆。?

马  丁:那是什么??

杰  夫:那是电影院,这儿是鞋店。?

马  丁:那些人是谁??

杰  夫:他们是木匠,在做架子。他们是工人,在铺路。?

马  丁:那是什么??

杰  夫:是车库,这儿是入口。?

马  丁:他们是谁??

杰  夫:他们是园丁,在修花园。?

马  丁:那是什么??

杰  夫:是车库,那是出口。?

马  丁:早上好。?

焊  工:早上好。?

马  丁:你在干什么??

焊  工:我是电焊工,在建新楼。?

马  丁:那是什么??

焊  工:是门,我们在做两个大门,这儿是窗子。?

马  丁:有趣。?

焊  工:我们要做12个大窗子。?

马  丁:谢谢。?

杰  夫:过来看看旧楼。?

马  丁:好。?

马  丁:给我讲讲购物中心,我打算录下来。?

杰  夫:有1个服装店,1个珠宝店,1 个宠物店,1个五金店。1个音乐店。

Conversation C?

MARTIN: What are they doing??

JEFF: They're musicians. They're playing music. It's a music store. Here's the pet shop.?

MARTIN: They're buying a dog.?

CLERK: Who are you??

MARTIN: I'm a reporter.?

CLERK: I'm the clerk. I work here. I sell dogs and cats.?

JEFF: Would you like coffee??

MARTIN: Yes, please.?

JEFF: Here's a cafe. Please sit down.?

MARTIN: They're cleaning the floor.?

JEFF: Yes, sit here.?

MARTIN: What's that??

JEFF: It's a bookstore. There's a photo shop. Look. He's a photographer. He's taking photos now.?


马  丁:他们在做什么??

杰  夫:他们是音乐家。他们在演奏音乐。那是家音乐店。这是宠物店。?

马  丁:他们在买狗。?

店  员:你是谁??

马  丁:我是记者。?

店  员:我是职员。我在这儿工作。我卖狗和猫。?

杰  夫:要咖啡吗??

马  丁:是的。?

杰  夫:这是咖啡店。请坐。?

马  丁:他们在擦地板。?

杰  夫:是的,坐这儿。?

马  丁:那是什么??

杰  夫:那是书店,那儿是个照相馆。看,他是摄影师,现在在照相呢!

New Words and Expressions 生词和短语?

shopping mall   n. 购物中心?

restaurant   n. 饭店?

sports club    n. 健身房?

carpenter   n. 木工?

shelf   n. 架子?

shelves   复数?

entrance   n. 入口?

jewelry   n. 珠宝?

pet   n. 宠物?

hardware   n. 五金?

clerk   n. 职员?

photographer   n. 摄影师?

Language Points 语言要点?

1 . For the new building. 新楼的(设计图)。?

这句话省略了 the plan,原句应为 the plan for the new building 介词 for  用于名词后,表示被用于某种目的,例如:?

a room for sleeping in 卧室?coal for the winter 冬季用煤?

2 . May I record? 我可以录音吗??

这是请求对方允许自己做某事。May I+动词原形?我可以……吗?例如:?May I sit here? 我可以坐这吗??

May I ask you some questions? 我可以问你一些问题吗??

Cultural Notes  文化注释

购物中心(shopping mall)是美国新兴起的购物场所,一座建筑物里各种类型的专柜商店,餐厅饮食店、电影院、健身房也一应俱全。还设有免费停车场,通常 shopping mall 里有两家大百货公司,各居一端。
