
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



Conversation A : I Have a Map?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is Martin Luther King School??

MAN: What??

MARTIN: Where is Martin??

MAN: Wait a minute. Let me turn off my engine. Now.?

MARTIN: Where is Martin Luther King School??

MAN: Hmmm. Go three roads. Is it three? No. Go four roads. Then turn right. Then go two roads.

MARTIN: Wait. I have a map.?

MAN: Good.?

MARTIN: Show me Martin Luther King School.?

MAN: Look here. We are here. There's the school.?

MARTIN: I see. I go straight ahead three roads.?

MAN: Then turn and go there.?

MARTIN: Turn right and go two roads.?

MAN: Martin Luther King School is there.?

MARTIN: Wonderful. Thank you.?

WOMAN: Goodbye Mr. Learner.?

MARTIN: Thank you very much for your time. Goodbye. Where is the airport.

WOMAN: Oh, the airport. It's on Nixon Road.?

MARTIN: Where is Nixon Road??

WOMAN: Turn left. Go straight ahead. Look for the sign.?

MARTIN: I have a map. Please show me.?

WOMAN: Oh, good.?

WOMAN: Look here. We are here. That's the school.?

MARTIN: I see.?

WOMAN: Now look there. That's the airport. Turn left. Go straight ahead. Then turn on Nixon Road.?

MARTIN: Thank you very much. Goodbye.?

MARTIN: Hello.?

MAN: You again.?

MARTIN: Yes. Sorry. I'm looking for the airport.?

MAN: OK. Show me your map. Where is the airport? Hmm. We are here.?

MARTIN: I know that.?

MAN: The airport is there. Do you see the airport??


MAN: Look at this road. Go straight ahead. Then turn right. That is Nixon Road.

MARTIN: OK. Thanks. Goodbye.?

MAN: Where are you going??

MARTIN: I'm going to Seattle. I'm a reporter. I'm going to write a story.?

MAN: Are you from Seattle??

MARTIN: No, I'm from Chicago. I live in Baltimore now.?

MAN: Good luck.?

MARTIN: Thanks.?

Practice 1:迷路时借助地图向人问路的方法:

I have a map. Show me……?


Examples:  MAN: Turn right. Then go two roads.?

MARTIN: I have a map. Show me the school.?

WOMAN: Go to Nixon Road.?

MARTIN: I have a map. Show me the airport.??

会话A : 我有地图?

马  丁:对不起,马丁·路德·金学校在哪儿??

男    :什么??

马  丁:哪里是马丁……?

男    :等一会儿。让我把发动机关了。现在说吧。?

马  丁:马丁·路德·金学校在哪儿??

男    :嗯。过三条街。 是不是三条?不,过四条街。然后向右拐,然后再过两条街。?

马  丁:等一下,我这儿有张地图。?

男    :好。?

马  丁:把马丁·路德·金学校指给我看。?

男    :看这儿,我们在这儿,学校在那儿。?

马  丁:我明白了,我一直向前走,过三条街。?

男    :然后拐弯,再去那儿。?

马  丁:向右拐,再过两条马路。?

男    :马丁·路德·金学校就在那儿。?

马  丁:太好了,谢谢你。?

女    :再见,勒纳先生。?

马  丁:非常感谢你为我花的时间。再见。机场在哪儿??

女    :哦,机场,机场在尼克松路。?

马  丁:尼克松路在哪儿??

女    :向左拐,一直向前走,寻找路标。?

马  丁:我有一张地图,请指给我看。?

女    :哦,好。?

女    :看这儿,我们在这儿,那是学校。?

马  丁:我明白了。?

女    :看那儿,那是机场,向左拐,一直向前走,然后上尼克松路。?

马  丁:非常感谢,再见。?

马  丁:你好!?

男    :又是你。?

马  丁:是的,对不起,我在找机场。?

男    :好,把地图给我看。?

男    :机场在哪儿?嗯,我们在这儿。?

马  丁:我知道。?

男    :机场在那儿。你看见了吗??

马  丁:是的。?

男    :看这条路,一直向前走。然后向右拐,那是尼克松路。?

马  丁:好,谢谢,再见。?

男    :你去哪儿??

马  丁:我去西雅图。我是记者。我打算写一篇报道。?

男    :你从西雅图来吗??

马  丁:不,我从芝加哥来。我现在住在巴尔的摩。?

男    :祝你好运。?

马  丁:多谢。?
