
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



Conversation B:In Art Museum?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is Jefferson Street?

FEMALE 2: This is Jefferson Street.?

MARTIN: Wonderful! Where is the river?

FEMALE 2: Turn right. Then go straight ahead. You can't miss it.?

MARTIN: Thanks.?

MARTIN: Hello. I'm Martin Learner.?

DIRECTOR: Good morning.?

MARTIN: I'm a reporter for the Voice of America.?

DIRECTOR: I'm Elizabeth Gonzalez.?

MARTIN: I'm writing a story about museums in the United States.?

DIRECTOR: How may I help you?

MARTIN: First, I want to see the museum. Then I want to ask some questions. What do you do?

DIRECTOR: I'm the director of the museum.?

MARTIN: Good.?

DIRECTOR: I direct all of the work in the museum. What do you want to see first?

MARTIN: I like to write about people.?

DIRECTOR: Then you must see the American rooms. Come. I'll show you the way.?

MARTIN: Thank you. Where are the American rooms??

DIRECTOR: First, go upstairs. Go straight ahead. Turn left in the second room.

MARTIN: Upstairs, straight ahead, turn left.?

DIRECTOR: Yes. The American rooms are upstairs.?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Are these the American rooms??

MALE 1: No. They are on the left. Look there. Do you see that door??


MALE 1: Go there. Turn left. Then go straight ahead.?

FEMALE 1: Excuse me, please. Where are the Native American rooms??

MARTIN: I'm sorry. I don't know. Ask that man over there.?

MALE 2: Hello. Where is the office??

MARTIN: Go downstairs. Then turn right.?

MALE 2: Thanks.

Practice 3:我们常用“go”这个词来为别人指路,例如:

go upstairs  去楼上?

go downstairs 去楼下?


MARTIN: Where are the American rooms?

DIRECTOR: Go upstairs. Then turn left.?

MALE 2: Where is the office?

MARTIN: Go downstairs. Then turn right.?


会话B  在艺术博物馆?

马  丁:对不起,杰斐逊街在哪儿??

女  二:这就是杰斐街。?

马  丁:太好了,河在哪儿??

女  二:向右拐。然后一直向前走,你一定能找到。?

马  丁:谢谢。?

马  丁:你好,我叫马丁·勒纳。?

馆  长:早上好!?

马  丁:我是“美国之音”的记者。?

馆  长:我叫伊丽莎白·冈萨雷斯。?

马  丁:我在写一篇有关美国的报道。?

馆  长:我能帮什么忙吗??

马  丁:首先,我想看看博物馆。然后我想提些问题。你做什么工作??

馆  长:我是博物馆的馆长。?

马  丁:很好。?

馆  长:我主管博物馆的各项工作。你想先看什么??

马  丁:我想写人。?

馆  长:那你必须去看看美国人展室。来,我给你指路。?

马  丁:谢谢,美国人展室在哪儿??

馆  长:首先上楼,向前走到第二个房间向左转。?

马  丁:上楼,向前,向左拐。?

馆  长:是的,美国人展室在楼上。?

马  丁:对不起,这些是美国人展室吗??

男  一:不,在左边。看那儿,看见那个门了吗??

马  丁:是的。?

男  一:往那边走,向左转,然后向前走。?

女  一:对不起,请问美国土著人展室在哪??

马  丁:对不起,我不知道。问问那边那个男人。?

男  二:你好,办公室在哪儿??

马  丁:到楼下,然后向右拐。?

男  二:谢谢。?

Conversation C  Where Is the Coffee Shop?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?

FEMALE 2: Sorry. I don't know.?

MARTIN: Please, excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?

MALE 1: Coffee shop? Go to the Post Office. Then turn right. It's on Adams Street.

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is Adams street?

FEMALE 1: Straight ahead.?

MARTIN: Excuse me. Where is a coffee shop?

MALE 2: Go one block. Do you see that hotel? Turn right.?

MARTIN: Thanks.?

MARTIN: Excuse me, please. Where is the coffee shop?

FEMALE 2: Uhh. Coffee shop. Go over there.?

MARTIN: Oh, I see. Thanks.?


MARTIN: Hello. Coffee, please. Ahhh. wonderful.


马  丁:对不起。哪儿有咖啡馆。?

女  二:对不起,不知道。?

马  丁:对不起,请问哪有咖啡馆。?

男  一:咖啡馆?到邮局向右拐。在亚当斯街。?

马  丁:对不起。亚当斯街在哪??

男  二:一直向前走。?

马  丁:对不起。咖啡馆在哪儿??

男  二:走一个街区。看到那个旅馆了吗?向右拐。?

马  丁:谢谢。?

马  丁:对不起。请问咖啡馆在哪儿??

女  二:哦,咖啡馆,往那儿走。?

马  丁:噢,我知道了,谢谢。?


马  丁:你好。请来杯咖啡。啊!太好了。?

New Words and Expression 生词和短语

museum   n. 博物馆?

the Art Museum  艺术博物馆?

post office   n. 邮局?

building   n. 建筑物?

straight   adv. 笔直地?

block   n. 街区?

director   n. 馆长?

direct   v. 指导?

upstairs   adv. 在楼上?

native   adj. 土著的,本地的?

downstairs   adv. 在楼下?

coffee shop   n. 咖啡馆?

hotel   n. 旅馆

Language Points 语言要点?

1. Excuse me. 对不起。这是一句用以引起别人注意的话,以提醒对方有事相求。2. 动词 go 的用法:go 是一个不及物动词,不能直接加宾语。要与介词连用。

常用的介词是 to.例如:

go to school 去上学

go to the coffee shop 去咖啡馆

go 的后面可直接加副词。例如:

go upstairs 上楼

go downstairs 下楼

go straight ahead 一直往前走

Cultural Notes 文化注释?

常说的一句道歉的话是 Excuse me. 即对不起。比如当你要从别人面前走过的时候,你要说声 Excuse me. 当你就餐中要离席而去时,你要说声 Excuse me. 但是,过多的道歉则是美国人难以接受的。在美国,一个外国人更不必为自己讲不好英语而向别人道歉。
