俗话说人吃五谷杂粮,没有不生病的。那么生病之后如何向医生描述你的病情呢?下面是一些关于身体不舒服的常用英文表达,可以借鉴哦! I have aheadache, nausea and vomiting. I feel under the weather. I feel unusually tired. I feel light-headed. I have been staying in for a few days. My head is pounding. My symptoms include loss of appetite, weight loss, excessive fatigue, fever and chills. I feel exhausted most of the time. I haven't had much energy for some time. I feel drowsy, dizzy and nauseated. I feel as though everything around me is spinning. I have noticed some hearing loss. I have some pain and itching around my eyes. |