五一长假也是亲朋好友聚会的好时节。难得大家有闲暇聚在一起,大吃一顿自然是不可少的。要想吃的好、又吃得有氛围,自然要找一家口碑好的饭店。可是这样的饭店常常也是人满为患,最好的办法就是提前预定了。下面是一些有关预定饭店的英文表达,可以现学现卖! A: I'd like to reserve a table for three at 7:00 this evening. B: Let me check. Hold on, please. Yes, that's fine. Smoking or nonsmoking area? A: Nonsmoking, please. B: All right. May I have your name? A: My name is Zhong. B: How do you spell that, sir? A: Z-H-O-N-G. 订桌位还可以说: I'd like to make a reservation for this Saturday evening. 挑选中意的位子时还可以说: We'd prefer a table by the window. We'd like to sit by the window. We'd like a smoking table. I'd like a quiet corner, if possible. Could we have a table close to the band? |