世界杯要举行了,球迷们心里一定乐开了花--终于等到这场盛事啦!看看他们脸上的笑容和急不可待的表情,就知道他们有多期待了。那么怎样描述这些“笑容”呢?看看老外都是怎么说的吧,可不只是smile那么简单呢! 1. light up with pleasure 喜笑颜开 His face lit up with pleasure when she came in. 2. be extremely delighted 欢天喜地 The children are extremely delighted when Christmas comes. 3. be wild with joy 惊喜若狂 The crowd was wild with joy when he scored the final goal. 4. be ecstatic欣喜若狂 We were ecstatic to be together again. 5. be exuberant 无比开心 The children could not have been any more exuberant at the birthday party. 6. wear a happy expression面带笑容 He was wearing a happy expression even though he was really worried. 7. look cheerful 面带喜色 You look cheerful today. What's the good news? |