颜色也是会说话的。看到红色就像看到过年、结婚,看到绿色就想到春天、活力。不过呢,颜色在不同的国家,寓意也有不同。废话就不说了,今天我们就来侃侃“绿-Green”。 1. green with envy, green eyed 嫉妒,“眼红”, Besides "green with envy", English has the term "green-eyed monster" or just "green-eyed" - both meaning jealous, envious. However, in Chinese, an expression often used to describe envy or jealousy is 眼红 or 害了红眼病 - literally "red-eyed". Quite a different color for the same thing! Interestingly, in the old days, the Chinese expression 戴绿帽子, 戴绿头巾 (literally "to wear a green hat/head band" ) meant to be a cuckold. 和以前提到的一些词一样,green在中英文语言环境中表达的意思也存在着差异。先看be green with envy,这是个非常口语化的短语,意思是:羡慕极了。古代的不列颠人似乎认为心里一妒忌,脸色就发绿。注意这个词,有些书上把它解释成"非常怨恨",但是这一表达方式并没有那么强烈的意味。例如: Wait till you see my new skirt. You're going to be absolutely green with envy. We were all green with envy when we learned that Julian had gotten a date with the most beautiful girl in our class. 最有意思的还是green-eyed。在西方,人们把嫉妒心强的人成为green-eyed monster。嫉妒心太强,难免做出一些坏事,称为魔鬼也算恰当,但为什么这个魔鬼一定是绿眼睛的呢?在希腊神话中,天王Zeus(宙斯)有7位妻子,第七位是他的姐姐Hera(赫拉)。赫拉是个绝顶美女,但是脾气不好,特别爱嫉妒别人,这一点可是让Zeus吃尽了苦头。而这位有着醉人green eyes的女神,也成了英语中表达嫉妒的一种方式。 关于green-eyed和“红眼”的关系应该这样表示: 2. a green thumb 园艺高手 “眼睛绿了”,是表示羡慕。那么“拇指绿了”是什么意思呢?to have a green thumb 是指有“高超的种植才能--做的一手好园艺”。绿色的拇指,意味着“有培育花木、蔬菜等植物的才能”。例如: Mr. White has a green thumb. His garden is always beautiful. 3.give the green light 开绿灯 比如:They've just been given the green light to build two new supermarkets in the region. 他们同意在这个地段建两个超级市场。 中文里也有不少带绿的语言。在中文里,绿常用来比喻青春,比如绿鬓朱颜;也可以用来表示伤感的情绪,比如“绿暗红稀”,和英文里的blue有同样的意境。 4. green salad 蔬菜沙拉 |