
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



· be hunky-dory挺不错的

A: How do you like the food here? B: Hunky-dory.

· skate on thin ice如履薄冰,冒风险

We are skating on thin ice if we continue killing wild animals.

· toy with the idea of...心里盘算要……

She"s toying within the idea of marring a foreigner.

· no ifs, ands and buts不要找任何的理由和借口

A: You know I could have done it well, but... B: No ifs, ands and buts. Tell me if you want to save your job.

· give someone an inch and he"ll take a mile得寸进尺

Give my roommate an inch and he"ll take a mile. Last time, I offered him some candies. Today, he asked for an ice-cream.

· have many irons in the fire同时有很多要紧的事要做

Although he was out of job, he still wrote to his parents saying he had many irons in the fire.

· be in a jam陷入困境
get in a jam

You"ve got to help me. I"m in a jam. May car refused to work on my way to office.

· jaywalk横穿马路

It is dangerous to jaywalk.

· in a jiffy不大一会儿
=in a moment, right away. at once

I"ll be with you in a jiffy.

· have ( a case of ) the jitters忐忑不安

The new teacher had a case of jitters when he first stood in front of the class.

· keep up with the Joneses与别人比阔,与别人攀比

He likes keeping up with the Joneses.

· get a kick out of doing something从……得到很大的乐趣

He gets a kick put of racing.

· take kindly to something/someone愿意接受

Don"t you feel that people in the lab don"t take kindly to a nosy reporter?

· kill someone with kindness好得让人受不了

The old lady almost killed me with kindness when I lived at her home.

· parade one"s knowledge买弄学问

He is a well-learned man, bit he never parades his knowledge.

· be at large逍遥法外(也可以形容动物不受约束)

The murderer was still at large. The victim"s parents was determined to find enough evidence to sue him to court.

· rest on one"s laurels故步自封,吃老本

You are sure to be lagged behind if you rest on your laurels.

· turn over a new leaf洗心革面

The juvenile delinquent promised that he would turn over a new leaf if he could be given lenient punishment.

· have a hollow leg(喝酒)海量

The best man has a hollow leg. He drinks a lot instead of the bridegroom.
