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15. I Plan...

I thought he could design the most beautiful department store, but... 我想他能设计出最漂亮的百货商场,不过……

The designer is working hard on a new project. 设计师在努力筹划新颖的设计项目。

The concert will be held September 14 at 10 a.m. 该演奏会预定于9月14日10时举行。

After Flagstaff, we"ll go to San Diego. 到佛拉格斯塔夫之后,我们去圣迭戈吧。

To plan a vacation trip. 计划休假的旅行。

The spacecraft is scheduled to arrive at Saturn next year. 太空船预定明年到达土星。

Our plan is the best and the safest, you see. 正如你所见到的,我们的计划是最完美,最安全的。

Why don"t you change your route? 你们为什么不变更路线呢?

The U.S. will take one route, the Japan take other. 美国和日本采取不同的新路径。

To plan a mountain climbing expedition. 计划登山探险。

Now, let"s find some new girls. 现在让我们寻找一些新的女孩子。

He is planning his future already. 他已经在为将来做打算了。

You use the front door and I"ll hit the back. 你从正门进去,我袭击后面。

OK. Your plans are always successful. OK,你的计划常常无往不利!

The gangsters are planning a robbery. 一伙强盗在计划抢劫。

If his plan works, he"ll earn 100 million in 10 years. 如果按照他的计划做,十年就能挣到一亿元了。

changed mind 改变主意

perish the thought 打消念头

Learning is better than house and land. 学问是一生的财富。

16. May I Ask You... ?

Could I speak to you, please? 我可以跟你谈话吗?

Aren"t you dressed too formally? 你穿的不是太正式化了吗?

She feels pity for him. 她同情他。

What happened, guy? 怎么了,伙计?

Do you like football? 你喜欢足球吗?

Sure. Are you a pro-golfer? 当然了。你是指也高尔夫球手吗?

Didn"t you order this? 你不是订下这道菜了吗?

Could you carry my doggie for me? 你能替我带我的小狗吗?

What can I do? 我该怎么办哪?

Why are you yelling? 你在嚷什么?

I wonder why they"re angry. 伙计,他们为什么生气?
