
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



7.Bacon Tomato Lettuce Sandwich

Hostess:I"m sorry,but will you please wait for a while?We open at eleven o"clock,sir.

Customer:Oh,I see.I"ll wait.

H:We're sorry to have kept you waiting so long.Please,come in,sir.

H:I'll seat you near the window.

C:Good.Thank you.

H:How about this seat?

C:Very fine,thank you.

Waitress:What would you like,sir?

C:I want bacon,tomato,lettuce sandwich,and coffee.Make my coffee weak,please.Sometimes Japanese coffee is too strong for me.

W:Our coffee is not too strong.American style coffee,sir.

C:Is that right?Good.

W:Shall I bring coffee now?


W:All right.


C:Thank you.Just black,no cream.


W:Bacon,lettuce,tomato sandwich,sir.

C:Thank you.

W:Would you like some more coffee?

C:No more,thank you.

C:Could I have some more potato chips?I'll pay for that.


W:Here you are.No charge,sir.

C:Oh,thank you very much.Very kind.

W:You're welcome.

C:Well,I'm going.

W:Thank you,sir.Come again,please.

C:Thank you.

8.Green Salad and Bread

Customer:Is that table vacant?

Waiter:Sorry,that table is reserved,sir.The restaurant is full now,so will you wait for a while?

C:That's all right.I'll wait.

W:Now we have a table near the garden,sir.

C:Oh,is that right?Thank you,please.

W:Today is very hot.Will you take any cold drink before your meal?

C:Well,yes.I'll have a Coca Cola,please.

W:Coca Cola,yes,sir.Shall I put some ice in it?

C:Yes,plenty of ice,please.

W:Very well,sir.

W:Can I have your order,please?

C:Yes,please.Well...,I'll have onion soup,tossed green salad,veal cutlet and some French bread.

W:Onion soup,tossed green salad,veal cutlet and French bread.I'm sorry,but French bread is sold out,sir.How about soft rolls or raisin bread?

C:Well,then I'll take raisin bread.Two pieces.

W:Yes,sir.And would you care for your salad before your meat?

C:Yes,before the meat or during the meat,either will do.Thank you.

W:Certainly,sir.Just a minute,please.

W:Sorry to have kept you waiting.The dish is very hot.Be careful,please.

C:What kind of cheese is this?

W:Gruyere cheese made in Switzerland,sir.

C:Good.Can I have some more?

W:I'll leave it here,and help yourself to the cheese.

C:That"s enough.Take it away.


C:The soup is very delicious.

W:Thank you.I'll serve salad right now,sir.What kind of dressing would you like on it?

C:Thousand Island dressing,please,and bring a piece of cut lemon.

W:Thousand Island dressing and a piece of cut lemon.All right,sir.

C:Excuse me,bring me another Coca Cola,please.


W:Veal cutlet,sir.

C:Thank you.

W:How did you find the veal cutlet?

C:Very tender.Good taste,thank you.

W:Is that right?Thank you,sir.

W:May I clear your table?

W:Dessert menu,sir.What would you like,sir?

C:French pastry and demi tasse,please.

W:Very sorry,we don't serve demi tasse in this coffee shop.We serve coffee,only in regular cup,sir.

C:That's okay,Coffee in a regular cup,please.


C:Oh,you serve many kinds of pastries.Well,what shall I have...I"ll take a cream puff.One is enough.Thank you.



W:The check is here,on your table.

C:Oh,sorry.I didn't know that.

W:Please pay at the cashier's desk near the entrance.

C:Okay,thank you.(at the cashier's counter)

C:Thank you.How much I owe you?

Cashier:Thirty eight hundred and twenty yen,sir.10% tax in addition,sir.

Ca:Five thousand yen,sir.

Ca:Thank you,sir.Eleven hundred and eighty yen change.Come again,please.

C:Thank you.
