
: 英语巴士网生活英语实用英语生活英语内容详情



develop and flourish 茁壮成长

expanding export earner 不断扩展的出口创汇者

impose stringent rules 定下严格规则

market fluctuation 市场波动

association charter 协会章程

total business revenue 总经营额

end-user 用人单位

entry-level 学徒期

from square one 从头开始

high-caliber 高水平的

instill or reinforce 灌输或强化

job specification 工作性质

localization programs 本土化项目

performance appraisal 表现评估

the stage of constant adjustment and improvement 不断调整和日趋完善的阶段

the educational mechanism of combining learning with research and production 产学研一体化的办学机制

continuing education and self-study examination of higher education 成人学历教育,高等教育自学考试

reveal its importance for the first time 初露端倪

tourist interpreter  翻译导游

versatile and practical management talents 复合型,应用型管理人才

structural adjustment 结构性调整

customs and habits 民俗风情

be accompanied by 相伴而生

academic sector 学术领域

come into existence as the situation requires 应势而生

part-time training 在职培训

professional emphasis 专业方向

qualification test  资格考试


The Economic Commission for Europe 欧洲经济委员会

A world-wide reputation 誉满全球

Conference center 会议中心

The world Health Organization 世界卫生组织

International civil servants 国际事务公务员

International press center 国际新闻中心

Works of art 艺术品

International trading center 国际贸易中心

Rich cultural blend 丰富多彩的文化交融 
