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你是zero drag(零阻力)员工吗

刚刚走出校园的职场新人们一般都会成为最常被差遣的对象,额外任务、临时任务,还有累人的出差任务最先考虑的人选往往也是“一人吃饱,全家不饿”的新进人员。领导们这样做可能是因为刚毕业的新人大多都是无家无口、无拖累的zero drag状态吧。In physics, drag refers to the resistance experienced by an object moving through a fluid medium (such as air). Zero drag is an ideal state where the object experiences no resistance at all, much like a highly motivated employee who has few personal responsibilities and so can work long hours, travel frequently, or be called in to work with little notice.从物理学的角度看,drag指物体在穿过某种流体媒介(如空气)时受到的阻力,而zero drag则是描述物体不受任何阻力的理想状态。这种零阻力的状态就像工作热情极高又没有什么个人责任负担的员工,可以长时间工作、频繁出差、有任务随叫随到。The ideal zero-drag employee is young, unmarried and childless with no responsibilities and an eagerness to do well.理想的零阻力员工一般都年轻、未婚、无子女负担,而且渴望将工作做好。
