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慢旅族 slow traveler


我们的生活节奏在不断加快。为了加快步伐,我们有了速食食品、快速公交、各类技能速成班,甚至连姻缘也可以速配完成。我们的速度越来越快,可是我们的生活却越来越没有意义。不知道每天如此匆忙的脚步是为了追求什么。有时候,还是放慢脚步,slow travel一下吧。驻足的时候,我们会看到一片不一样的风景。

Back in 1989, slow food was created in Italy as a reaction to the increasing globalization and standardization of food, especially fast food (hence its name). Its aim was to preserve, encourage and promote local culinary specialties. That idea has since spread widely. Now we are seeing a cousin, slow travel(er), beginning to make headlines.

1989年,意大利推出“慢速食品”以抵制食品的全球化和标准化,尤其是速食产品的盛行。此举的目的是保留、促进和宣传本地的美食和特产。“慢食”理念由此广为传播。现在,又有了一个相似的表达,slow travel(er)(慢旅(族)),开始引起人们的注意。

Slow travelers eschew plane travel and especially short breaks in distant places. They prefer to travel more gently, by train, bus, cargo ship, even bicycle. They want to luxuriate in the experience of a stress-free journey, not rush to a destination.

