The top words of the decade from 2000—2009 1. Global Warming (2000) Rated highly from Day One of the decade. 2. 9/11 (2001) another inauspicious start to the decade. 3. Obama- (2008) The US President's name as a "root" word or "word stem". 4. Bailout (2008) The Bank Bailout was but Act One of the crisis. 5. Evacuee/refugee (2005) After Katrina, refugees became evacuees. 6. Derivative (2007) Financial instrument or analytical tool that engendered the Meltdown 7. Google (2007) Founders misspelled actual word "googol" 8. Surge (2007) The strategy that effectively ended the Iraq War. 9. Chinglish (2005) The Chinese-English Hybrid language growing larger as Chinese influence expands. 10. Tsunami (2004) Southeast Asian Tsunami took 250,000 lives. 11. H1N1 (2009) More commonly known as Swine Flu. 12. Subprime (2007) Subprime mortgages were another bubble to burst. 13. dot.com (2000) The Dot.com bubble engendered no lifelines, no bailouts. 14. Y2K (2000) The Year 2000: all computers would turn to pumpkins at the strike of midnight. 15. Misunderestimate (2002) One of the first and most enduring of Bushisms. 16. Chad ( 2000) Those Florida voter punch card fragments that the presidency would turn upon. 17. Twitter (2008 ) A quarter of a billion references on Google. 18. WMD (2002) Iraq’s Weapons of Mass Destruction. 19. Blog (2003) First called ‘web logs’ which contracted into blogs. Texting (2004) Sending 140 character text messages over cell phones. 21. Slumdog (2008) Child inhabitants of Mumba’s slums. 22. Sustainable (2006) The key to "Green" living where natural resources are never depleted. Brokeback (2004) New term for "gay" from he Hollywood film Brokeback Mountain. 24. Quagmire (2004) Would Iraq War end up like Vietnam, another "quagmire"? 25. Truthiness (2006) Steven Colbert's addition to the language appears to be a keeper. |