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videophilia 影像亲近症

在电脑已经相当普及的这个时代,越来越多的人每天的大部分时间都是在屏幕前面度过的,无论是工作还是生活。下班关电脑,回家开电视,可能同时还要开电脑。很多人不敢想象有一天没有了这些屏幕,他们的生活会是怎样。于是,videophilia现象就诞生了。Videophilia refers to the new human tendency to focus on sedentary activities involving electronic media, particularly television, the Internet, and video games.影像亲近症指人们热衷于电视、网络及视频游戏等电子媒体带来的静止类活动这一现象。It seems that as a society we are spending less and less time in the great outdoors, doing things like biking, camping, fishing, hiking, walking, etc, than we are watching TV, playing video games, blogging and hanging out online.从整个社会来看,我们似乎越来越少参与像骑自行车、露营、钓鱼、远足及走路等户外活动,而更多的时间都用在了看电视、玩视频游戏、写博客以及在网上闲逛等事情上面。
