Cellular faux 手机掩护法
Cellular faux refers to a social phenomenon wherein which a person acts as though he is on his cell phone in order to shield himself from uncomfortable situations. 手机掩护法(cellular faux)指有人为了避免使自己陷入尴尬境地而假装在打电话的情形。 For example: When Peggy saw the beggar approaching, she flipped open her LG and began laughing incessantly as though someone had told a joke on the other end of the line. Still penniless, the beggar's plan was thwarted by cellular faux. 看到那个乞丐走过来,佩琪立马打开自己的LG手机,然后不停地大笑,感觉好像电话那头有人在给她讲笑话。空手而归的乞丐就这样被手机掩护法给蒙了。 |