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power handover ceremony 权力交接仪式


The Special Envoy of the Chinese government, Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei will attend the power handover ceremony of Uruguay President on March 1, at the invitation of the government of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay.


在上面的报道中,power handover ceremony就是“权力交接仪式”。Handover是“移交”的意思,可以是handover of power(移交权力),也可以是job handover(工作交接)或 handover of property(资产移交)。Handover的动词形式是hand over。例如:hand over one’s business to one’s son(把生意交给儿子经营);The thief was handed over to the police.(小偷被移送警方)。

我们也可以用transfer和turn over来表示“移交”。例如:To preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir.(为了不让农场受到任何影响,他将它交给一个继承人打理。)The work was turned over to the secretary.(这项工作移交给秘书处理了。)
