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Downager 人老心不老

Downager is Generation Y in attitude but not in age. You often hear that young people are the early adopters of technology but actually the study shows that the baby boomers spend more on technology than any other generation. They're using the technology, they're connecting, they're social networking and they're texting their kids. The term "downager" reflects the growing "act younger, live younger" attitude of the over-60s.Downager(暂译为“外老里嫩族”)指上了年纪但生活态度却与Y世代年轻人同步的人们。我们经常会听到人们说,年轻人是接受科技最早的人群,可是有研究发现婴儿潮一代的人们花在科技上的功夫比任何一代人都要多。他们在运用科技,通过网络与人联系,上社交网站,而且还给他们的孩子发短信。Downager这个词反映了他们60后这一代“做得年轻,活得年轻”的生活态度。
