free passage 免通行费
All of Beijing's highways, including the airport expressways, will give free passage to small passenger cars during one of the longest-ever eight-day National Day holidays, which starts Sept 30. 自9月30日起的国庆8天长假期间,包括机场高速在内的北京所有高速公路将对小客车免收通行费。 Free passage就是“免费通过”,“免收通行费”在英语中有好几种表达方式,如be exempted from road tolls, scrap toll charge, give free passage, 以及go toll-free等。该政策面向的是passenger cars with seven seats or less(七座及以下小型客车)。 据交通部门预计,十一黄金周期间,各地高速路的traffic flow(交通流量)将明显上升。交通部门正在制定contingency plans(应急方案)以应对traffic jam(交通拥堵)等问题,高速收费口均设置special lane(专用通道)供小客车免费通行,同时还将提前摆放road signs(路牌)提示并引导司机通行。 |