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to hand over chemical weapons 交出化学武器


Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Muallem on Tuesday said Damascus has "already agreed" to the initiative by Russia for Damascus to hand over its chemical weapons stocks to international control.


英文报道中有关叙利亚交出化学武器的表述为:to hand over its chemical weapons stocks to international control或to place its chemical weapons under international control,也就是“将化学武器交给国际社会控制”。具体的操作可能包括:提供有关化武的所有信息(providing all information about these weapons)、公开化武的存放地点(declaring the location of the chemical weapons)、停止生产化武(stopping production of the chemical weapons),以及向俄罗斯以及联合国其他成员国的代表展示化武生产设施(showing these production facilities to representatives of Russia and other United Nations member states)。

俄罗斯总统普京此前表示,只有美国及其盟友放弃对叙军事打击(to rule out military action),该提议才有可能成功。美国总统奥巴马周二宣布让国会推迟有关对叙动武的投票(to postpone a vote on authorizing military action),并表示如果外交手段失败(diplomacy fails)仍可能采取军事行动。
