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declare personal assets 申报个人财产


Authorities at the Macao Special Administrative Region for the first time declared the personal assets of officials and other high-ranking public servants on Saturday in a move to further intensify its anti-graft efforts.


官员“申报个人财产”可用to declare/report personal assets来表示,收到申报后由相关部门“公布”也可以用declare表示,当然用to make the personal assets of officials public表示也无不可。此次参与财产申报的澳门官员包括行政长官(Chief Executive)、行政会成员(administrative office directors)、立法会议员(members of the Legislative Assembly)、司法官及各局级官员(chiefs and deputy chiefs with government departments and public enterprises)等,申报的财产不包括不动产价值(value of real estate)和配偶财产(personal assets of their spouses)等数据。

现任澳门特首崔世安在2009年就职时曾承诺建立一个阳光政府(a government under the sunshine)和廉洁政府(clean government)。此次公布官员财产为其具体举措的一部分。

中央政府近几年也在通过公布政府部门“三公经费”(public spending on government cars、overseas trips and official receptions)以及在部分省市试行官员财产申报等措施加大反腐力度。
