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cut off diplomatic ties with 断绝外交关系


The Chinese Foreign Ministry on Friday said it was not aware of Gambia's decision to cut off its diplomatic ties with Taiwan, adding it had no contact with authorities in the West African state.


“断绝外交关系”常见的英文表达有to cut off diplomatic ties/relations with, to sever diplomatic relations with, 或者稍显正式的to terminate diplomatic relations with,如上文中的Gambia's decision to cut off its diplomatic ties with Taiwan。

我们生活中常说的“绝交、一刀两断”则可用to break/cut ties with表示,如:He cut ties with his father several years ago(他几年前与他父亲断绝了关系)。

那么与之相对的“建交”就可用to establish/set up relations/ties with表示了,比如:We have established trade ties with these regions. (我们和这些地区建立了贸易关系。)
