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step down from one's position 卸任

US Ambassador Gary Locke said on Wednesday that he will step down from his position early next year to rejoin his family. 美国驻华大使骆家辉周三表示,他将于明年年初卸任,回美国与家人团聚。 Step down from his position表示离开他的工作岗位,即“离职,卸任”,也可用leave office表示。英语中有关“辞职”的表达常见的就是resign,指很正式地宣布放弃自己的工作或职位,如:He resigned from his job as principal of the school(他辞去了校长的职务)。另一个常见的搭配resign oneself则表示“不得不接受一个并不令人愉快的事实”,如:We resigned ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose the game(我们不得不承认这场比赛我们赢不了)。口语中说到“辞职”时通常会用quit,比如:He quit his job(他辞职了)。 骆家辉在声明中表示,担任驻华大使是其一生的荣耀(the honor of a lifetime),并称在任期间,美国驻华大使馆主要致力于通过提高美国对华出口来增加美国国内的就业机会(job creation in America by increasing exports to China),为美国企业打开更多的市场,增加中国在美投资(promoting Chinese investment in the US)。通过将签证获取的等待时间(wait times for a visa)从历史最高的70至100天降至3到5天,大幅度提高了中国人到美国商务和观光旅游(business and tourism travel)的数量。 
