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Next Eleven 新钻十一国


The Next Eleven (known also by the numeronym N-11) are the eleven countries – Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, and Vietnam - identified by Goldman Sachs investment bank and economist Jim O'Neill in a research paper as having a high potential of becoming, along with the BRICs, the world's largest economies in the 21st century. The bank chose these states, all with promising outlooks for investment and future growth, on December 12, 2005. At the end of 2011, the four major countries (Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea and Turkey), also known as MIKT, made up 73 percent of all Next Eleven GDP. BRIC GDP was $13.5 trillion, while MIKT GDP at almost 30 percent of that: $3.9 trillion.

Next Eleven(缩写为N-11,新钻十一国)指孟加拉国、埃及、印度尼西亚、伊朗、墨西哥、尼日利亚、巴基斯坦、菲律宾、土耳其、韩国以及越南等十一个国家,高盛投资银行经济学家吉姆·奥尼尔在一篇研究论文中将这十一个国家与“金砖四国”并列为二十一世纪全球最大经济体国家。高盛银行在2005年12月12日将这些国家选为“新钻十一国”,每个国家都有良好的投资和增长前景。到2011年底,其中的四个主要国家(墨西哥、印度尼西亚、韩国和土耳其)的国内生产总值(GDP)占所有十一国的73%。“金砖四国”的GDP为13.5万亿美元,而上述四国的GDP约占其30%,为3.9万亿美元。

The criteria that Goldman Sachs used were macroeconomic stability, political maturity, openness of trade and investment policies, and the quality of education. The N-11 paper is a follow-up to the bank's 2003 paper on the four emerging "BRIC" economies, Brazil, Russia, India, and China. 

