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Hot Waitress Economic Index 漂亮服务员经济指数


Hot Waitress Economic Index is an index that indicates the state of the economy by measuring the number of attractive people working as waiters/waitresses. According to the hot waitress index, the higher the number of good looking servers, the weaker the current state of the economy. It is assumed that attractive individuals do not tend to have trouble finding high-paying jobs during good economic times. During poor economic times, these jobs will be more difficult to find and therefore more attractive people will be forced to work in lower paying jobs such as being waiters/waitresses.

漂亮服务员经济指数(Hot Waitress Economic Index)指通过计算长相出众的人从事服务员职业的人数来预测经济形势的指数。该指数显示,从事服务员职业的漂亮人士越多,当前的经济形势越差。因为通常都认为长相出众的人在经济形势良好的时候,想找份高薪的工作并不困难。在经济形势不太好的时候,高薪工作难找,那些相貌出众的人也不得不从事服务员这样的低薪职业。

Traditional economic theory contends that employment tends to be a lagging indicator for economic recovery. However, the hot waitress economic index could be a coincident or even a leading indicator for economic recovery because attractive people may be the first group of individuals to find better paying jobs when a bad economy begins to turn around.

