friendvertising 朋友圈营销
Friendvertising is the use of social media website 'friends' to disseminate video adverts for products. Some videos have an apparently good message that people want to share and others are heart-warming or funny, but all are covert brand endorsements. “朋友圈营销”是借助社交网站上的“好友”来散播产品的视频广告。有些视频中包含一些人们想分享的正面信息,还有的视频或温情或搞笑,但所有这些视频都是暗中为某个品牌代言。 Example: Is your friend an unpaid branding enthusiast? 'Friendvertising' is the latest trick by marketers who want you to sell their brand. 你的朋友是不收报酬的品牌推广热心人吗?“朋友圈推广”是营销者推广品牌的最新伎俩。 |