pre-cation 新员工入职前休的假
The newly coined term pre-cation refers to a holiday taken by a new employee on joining a company. In complete contrast to the conventional scenario of a new recruit not daring to request time off until they've learnt the ropes and proved themselves valuable after several months of work, the pre-cation is a 'pre-' holiday in the literal sense – it's taken before the newcomer even sits at their desk for the first time. 新词pre-cation指新员工在入职前休的假。新员工入职以后通常都不敢要求休假,要在卖力工作几个月、了解了公司情况并且证明了自己的价值以后才有可能休假,与这样的常规做法完全相反的是,pre-cation(入职前休假)真的就是字面意义上的“预先”休假,是新员工到新公司上班之前的休假。 The concept derives from the observation that the most capable recruits often finish one job on Friday, collapse in an exhausted heap for two days, and then pick up the baton in their new post on Monday. This means that they're being expected to start afresh at a time when they're still burnt-out from the demands of a job whose exhausting nature was probably what prompted them to look elsewhere. If, however, they spend a couple of weeks recharging their batteries, they'll arguably come to their new post refreshed, energized and instantly productive. 入职前休假的理念来源于对员工离职入职的观察。最有能力的员工通常是周五结束在老东家的工作,累成一滩泥昏睡两天,然后周一打起精神到新公司入职。这就意味着在新公司希望他们精神饱满全新开始的时候,他们或许还处于之前的倦怠状态中,而上一份工作令人疲惫的任务状态或许正是促使他们离开的原因。但是,如果他们在入职之前能够有几周时间给自己充充电,他们就有可能精神振奋地来到新岗位,充满能量而且立马就能有高效的工作状态。 |