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child trafficking 贩卖儿童


The advocacy began to circulate online roughly after a CCTV report revealed of the 37 suspects of a child trafficking gang in Henan Province, only the prime suspect received a death sentence in the first trial, while the others were given up to 15 years in jail.


我国刑法规定,拐卖妇女儿童(trafficking in women and children)处五年以上有期徒刑至死刑不等。拐卖妇女儿童集团的组织者或者拐卖妇女儿童数量超过3人以上等情节特别严重者(when the circumstances are particularly serious),最高可以处以死刑。

“最高死刑”不等同于“一律死刑”。大量网民在社交平台表态支持“一律死刑”,称“孩子都没机会从头再来凭什么给人贩子改过的机会!(Why should they be given a second chance when the children they harmed don't get any)” 

而法学界、社会学界人士则多从专业角度提出反对意见。法学专家称,犯罪分子应该受到什么样的处罚应该遵循“罪刑相适应原则”(Suiting Punishment to Crime),不能“一律死刑”。社会学家则称,“一律死刑”可能引发犯罪分子的搏命心态,增加了被拐儿童所面对的危险。
