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pledge allegiance to the Constitution 宪法宣誓


Chinese officials in state organs shall pledge allegiance to the Constitution when taking their posts, according to a decision adopted by China's top legislature Wednesday. 


关于宪法宣誓(pledge allegiance to Constitution)制度的适用范围,决定指出,各级人民代表大会(people's congresses at all levels)及县级以上(above the county level)各级人民代表大会常务委员会选举或者决定任命的(elected or appointed)国家工作人员,以及各级人民政府、人民法院、人民检察院任命的国家工作人员(state functionaries),在就职时(while assuming office)应当公开进行宪法宣誓(should take a public oath of allegiance to the Constitution)。

宣誓誓词共70字,内容为:我宣誓(I pledge):忠于中华人民共和国宪法(to be allegiant to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China),维护宪法权威(safeguard the Constitution authority),履行法定职责(perform obligations given by the laws),忠于祖国、忠于人民(be loyal to the country and people),恪尽职守、廉洁奉公(be committed and honest when performing duties),接受人民监督(accept people's supervision),为建设富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义国家努力奋斗(and work hard to build a socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious)!
