generation pause 暂停的一代
Generation pause refers to young adults who are not able to do things previously typical for their age group such as buy a home, start a family and have kids because they are short of money. “暂停的一代”指到了一定年纪,却因为没有钱而无法像前辈人那样买房、结婚生子的年轻人群体。 The research, conducted by Research Plus, found that: 由Research Plus组织的这项研究发现: Of those aged 25 to 34 years old… -One in five are postponing their marriage plans for more than two years -One in 10 say they could never afford to marry 25到34岁的年轻人当中: -五分之一将结婚计划推迟两年以上 十分之一表示他们可能永远都结不起婚 Of those aged 35 to 44 years old.. -One in seven had or would put off starting a family for at least four years -One in four delayed starting a family for two years because of lack of savings -One in 12 think they'll never be able to afford children 35到44岁的年轻人当中: -七分之一已经或者打算将成家的时间推迟至少4年 -四分之一曾经因为存的钱不够而推迟两年结婚 -十二分之一认为他们可能永远都养不起孩子 |