Horse month of the Monkey year 猴年马月
Netizens on Chinese microblogging websites are all agog for the upcoming "Horse month of the Monkey year", a calendar occurrence so rare that the phrase is a commonly used slang to refer to a date in the unforeseeable future. 中国微博用户们正在热切盼望着“猴年马月”的到来。根据日历上的“猴年马月”比较罕见,因此这个词通常用来形容不可预知的未来日子。 “猴年马月”(Horse month of the Monkey year,one of these years)多被人们用来形容一件事遥遥无期。这个词的来历无从考据,不过有人称,这个词义多半源于方言的以讹传讹,最流行的说法认为,“猴年马月”是天津的“何年嘛月”谐音的变体。 |