CDO 首席数字官
A Chief Digital Officer (CDO) is an individual who helps a company, a government organisation or a city drive growth by converting traditional "analog" businesses to digital ones, and oversees operations in the rapidly changing digital sectors like mobile applications, social media and related applications, virtual goods, as well as "wild" web-based information management and marketing. 首席数字官能够帮助公司、政府组织或城市由传统商务向电子商务转型,负责监管快速发展的数字化部门的运营,比如移动应用、社交媒体及相关应用、虚拟化产品,以及“疯狂的”网络信息管理及市场运行。 The CDO's responsibilities are to devise and execute social strategies that grow brand loyalty and advocacy on social networks. 首席数字官的职责包括设计出并执行能够发展品牌忠诚度、以及社交媒体支持率的社会策略。 |