yellular 喊叫模式
Yellular is the loudness one adopts in response to a bad cell-phone connection, in the misguided hope that talking louder will improve the connection. Yellular指手机信号不好的时候提高音量讲话的状态,好像那样大声讲话手机信号就能变好一样。我们可以称为“喊叫模式”。 这个yellular其实就是yell(喊叫)和cellular的合成词,我们的手机正式叫法是cellular phone(蜂窝电话),简称cell phone。 Sometimes, some people just cannot help yelling whenever they are on the phone, it seems that their voice is not transmitted through phone signal but via a speaker. 有时候,有些人只要一打电话就会开启大嗓门模式,就好像他们并不是靠手机信号来传输自己的声音,而是在通过大喇叭传话一样。 |