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full-length trailer 全集预告片


Fox released the first full-length trailer for the revival series yesterday and seeing the original gang back together again brought all the feels.


The jam-packed two-minute trailer sets up the main plot for the ten-parter which is due to air next year. Michael is alive and he’s got himself locked up for the third time. First it was Fox River, then there was Sona - the ghastly, lawless prison in Panama - and now Michael’s incarcerated in Morocco. But what did the tattooed jailbird do to find himself on the other side of the law yet again? 

这段2分钟的预告片信息量很大,展现了回归版十集的主要剧情,该剧将在明年播出。新剧中,迈克还活着,而且第三次身陷狱中。他第一次入狱是在Fox River,之后,是在巴拿马那间令人恐惧、毫无法则可言的Sona监狱,而这一次,迈克被关在摩洛哥。但是,他究竟做了什么事被关进去的呢?
