dumpster fire 垃圾箱着火
Dumpster fire refers to a person, organization, or situation that is hopelessly and disastrously out of control, or something very difficult that nobody wants to deal with. “垃圾箱着火”指的是某人、某个机构、或某种情况处于绝望境地,或者处于灾难性地失控状态。也可以指某件事很棘手,没人想处理。 In entertainment or sports, dumpster fire refers to a laughably poor performance usually caused by: 在娱乐或体育领域,“垃圾箱火灾”指的是表现差得可笑,通常是因为如下原因: 1. Lack of planning, preparation or talent. 缺少计划和准备,或缺乏人才 2. Random events that effectively sabotage the effort (i.e., technical problems). 足以破坏掉努力的随机事件(比如技术问题) |