placebo button 安慰按钮
A placebo button is a push-button with apparent functionality that actually has no effect when pressed. Such buttons can be psychologically rewarding to pressers by giving an illusion of control. 安慰按钮指的是表面上看具备某种功能,但实际按下去却没有效果的按钮。这类按钮能给使用者带来心理上的收获,让人产生控制感。 They are commonly placed in situations where it would have once been useful to have such a button but the system now proceeds automatically. 安慰按钮常出现在过去有用,但后来系统实现了自动化的地方。 In some cases the button may have been functional, but may have failed or been disabled during installation or maintenance or was, in a relatively small number of cases, installed to keep people contented, much in the same way as placebos. 在一些例子中,这个按钮可能一直在使用中,但可能已经失效,或在安装维修中失去了功能;在少数例子中,安装这种按钮是为了让人们满意,类似于安慰剂。 |