chocoholic 巧克力狂
A chocoholic is a person who craves or compulsively consumes chocolate. “巧克力狂”指的是吃巧克力上瘾的人。 For chocoholics, little can be done to restrain their cravings. 对“巧克力狂”来说,想吃巧克力的冲动总是无法控制。 There is some medical evidence to support the existence of actual addiction to chocolate. However, the term is mostly used loosely or humorously to describe a person who is inordinately fond of chocolate. 嗜巧克力成瘾这种症状有医疗依据支持,但“巧克力狂”用来形容一个人非常爱吃巧克力时,使用范围很宽泛,也充满幽默感。 |