你的出现吸引了我全部的视线。 The moment you enter my world, I care for nothing but you. 我们就这样默默站着不动,可距离又近了一厘米。 Silently and motionlessly as we stand, we get closer with time. 我的眼睛里全是你。 I cannot see anyone but you. 你在我心中,分量越来越重。 The longer we are together, the fonder my heart becomes towards you. 亲爱的最近很开心,胃口很好,我真高兴。 Sweetheart, I delight at your satisfied stomach. 搂着她对她说,我的手是变短了吗? Holding her, I utter my wonder: is it that my hands turned shorter? 你对我越来越重要。 With every minute, I feel your weightiness. 我再给你买几件新衣服吧! Perhaps it is time for us to renew your closet. 月夜,牵起她的手说:月圆人更圆。 Her hand in mine and under the moonshine, she hears me sigh: soon, you will be as full as the moon. |