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Vindigo is made with Chardonnay, that is white wine grapes - and it gets its translucent blue colour because it's filtered through the skins of other dark grapes – these containing the purple agent anthocyanin, which properly treated can make a wine blue rather than the more normal red.

Vindigo 是用一种叫霞多丽的白葡萄酒制成的,这种酒色泽碧蓝澄澈的原因是它经过了含有紫色剂花青素的深色葡萄皮过滤,在适当的处理后可以使葡萄酒呈现蓝色,而非普通的红色。

So it's all perfectly natural, and on a Mediterranean terrace, looking over a blue sea and a blue sky, what could be more delightful than 'a beaker full of the warm South' as Keats put it. We're told it has tones of cherry and passion fruit, that in blind tastings it scores well against the rosés, and that in this summer of World Cup victory, the French want nothing more than to complete their tricolour of wines – possibly!


But the French can also spot a gimmick when they see one. And 'le vin bleu' definitely fits that particular bar bill.

当然法国人也能分辨出什么是骗人的营销花招,而 “蓝葡萄酒(le vin bleu)” 正是此类营销手段的产物。
