01 在社交网络上,脱粉“取关”就是 "unfollow"。 Alice has unfollowed Marc on Weibo, and Marc has returned the favor. 爱丽丝取关了马克的微博,马克反手也取关了她。 02 脱粉还可以是删除好友,英文表达是unfriend,牛津词典将unfriend定义为: To remove someone as a 'friend' on a social networking site such as Facebook. 在脸书等社交平台上,将某人从朋友列表里删除。 例句: People are very loath to actually unfriend or stop following a person. 人们往往不太情愿删除或取关他人。 03 Block原本是“障碍”的意思,但是在网络社交软件上就代表“屏蔽,拉黑”。 Some fans believe that the couple has blocked each other, as all tags on their joint photos have also been removed. 一些粉丝认为这对夫妇已经拉黑彼此了,他俩共同照片上的话题标签已经删除了。 04 Cancel的本意是“取消”,但它被引申为:抵制或封杀。 对某个人说 “You are cancelled.” 放到中文的语境中,有一点“取关”、“粉转黑”、或者“路转黑”的意思。 Urban Dictionary在2018年3月就有了相关的释义,表示个体对不认同的人或事取消关注,进行抵制。 To dismiss something/somebody. To reject an individual or an idea. 拒绝接受某事、某人。拒绝一个人或者想法。 到了2020年2月,Urban Dictionary关于cancel的新释义就有了公共性,往往是个人或机构因言论或行为具有冒犯意味,而遭到某种集体抵制。 A desire to cancel out a person or community from social media platforms. 一种想要将某人或某个群体开除出社交媒体平台的欲望。 韦氏词典也给出了比较权威的解释: To cancel someone (usually a celebrity or other well-known figure) means to stop giving support to that person. The act of canceling could entail boycotting an actor's movies or no longer reading or promoting a writer's works. 抵制某人(通常是名人)意味着停止支持此人,可能包括抵制演员的电影或不再阅读或宣传作家的作品。 例句: I am canceling the band because their tickets are always too expensive. 我脱粉这个乐队了,因为他们的票太贵。 |