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一只牧羊犬在失去了听力,无法在农场工作后,被农场主弃养并送给了英国皇家防止虐待动物协会(RSPCA),她经过训练,可以理解一系列的手势,从而得以 “回到她热爱的工作岗位上”。

Peggy, an eight-year-old collie, was taken in by the charity's Mid Norfolk and North Suffolk branch in 2018, where she was adopted by their animal welfare manager Chloe Shorten, whose husband also happens to be a shepherd.


Chloe said they knew Peggy wanted to be working, so they started the long process of teaching her how to herd without relying on voice commands.


With the help of a sheepdog trainer, Peggy learned to understand hand signals and body language. A thumbs up, for example, means 'good girl'. 

在一位牧羊犬训练师的帮助下,佩吉学会了理解手势和肢体语言。例如,竖起大拇指的意思是 “好姑娘”。

Now aged ten, Peggy's still proving that you can teach an old dog new tricks and works part-time with the couples' two other sheepdogs. 

现已十岁的佩吉印证了那句老话:活到老学到老,同时,她还在 “兼职” 和克洛伊夫妇的另外两只牧羊犬一起放牧。
