a horse pill 大药丸,大型丸剂
1 a horse pill 大药丸,大型丸剂。 This is not a horse pill. This is your pain pill which doctor prescribed. 这不是大药片。这就是医生给你开的止疼药。 2 a horse laugh 狂笑,讥笑,不信任的笑。 At the end of the joke she gave a horse laugh that could be heard a street away. 在那个笑话结束时,她发出一阵狂笑,隔着一条街都能听到。 3 a horse of a different color 完全是另一回事。 Taking the exam is one thing but passing it is a horse of a different color. 考试是一回事;通过考试又是另一回事。 4 be on one's high horse 趾高气扬,藐视他人。 Since Bob was elected president of the club, he's been up on his high horse. 自从鲍勃当选为俱乐部主席以来,他就趾高气扬起来了。 5 beat a dead horse 徒劳无益,白费口舌。 I hate to beat a dead horse, but it is very important that you understand this before you leave. 我不想多此一举,但你离开以前必须了解这个。 |